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Business Branding Photo-Shoot with Claire Jarvis from Naturopathic Nutrition

Last month we had a fab time with Claire Jarvis from Naturopathic nutrition, and I’ve just received the news that her website has just become live!

Claire is a very well established reflexologist in Twyford and has recently competed her training and qualified as a nutritionist.

The photo-shoot involved quite a bit of preparation. We had a face-to-face consultation at Claire’s home, where shoot took place. Then, we had put together a mood board with ideas and inspiration for the shoot. And then Claire has prepared all the props and outfits.

The pile of fruit and vegetables was very impressive!

The two hours went so quickly!!! and it was a lot of fun too. I think the photos speak for themselves and hopefully will make you smile.

If you are looking to do a business branding photo-shoot, please contact me, I’ll be delighted to help!

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