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Pre-Wedding Photo-Shoot at Stanlake Park Wine Estate

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On Saturday I had a great pleasure of doing a pre-wedding photo-shoot at the beautiful Stanlake Park Wine Estate. It was a very lucky last minute decision, as the location that I originally had in mind was extremely muddy due to the large amount of rain in the previous couple of days… So Saturday morning I went for a walk around Twyford and popped into the vineyard to ask for permission to do a shoot there. The lovely Natalia said yes, so I headed home with a new plan!

My lovely couple Kasia and Chris embraced the idea, so we headed to the vineyard as soon as they arrived. The timing could not have been better, as we had lovely soft light leading to the sunset. We went round the beautiful estate and took many shots there.

It was getting a bit cold outside, so decided to go indoors and tasting some wines. And of course there were more photo opportunities!

Just as we were leaving the vineyard, the sun started setting, spreading a beautiful orange glow across the sky… it was the most perfect moment for capturing some romantic portraits of the beautiful couple.




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