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Why all mums should absolutely take photos with their kids NOW!

I am a great believer in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – or in other words “law of attraction”. One of the people featured in the book is an inspirational man called Mike Dooley, who has invented “Notes from the Universe”. So every morning I find a little inspirational message from him in my mail box, and they are usually just amazingly spot-on!

So this morning I got this message:

“When you look at old photos, Asya, it’s obvious isn’t it? You were good-looking back then. Really good-looking. Yet somehow, at the time, you didn’t quite believe it.

Asya, learn from yesterday, because today you’re even better looking than you were then. Way better. You’re smarter, too. Funnier. Wiser. More compassionate. Less serious. And you’re totally sauntering!

Just thought you should know.

    The Universe”

It put a huge smile on my face – it’s so true! I never used to like myself, and I did not really want to be on photographs that much. But when I look at my photos taken 10, 15, 20 years ago, I am asking myself ” why did I not like myself back then? I was actually quite ok, cute even…”

I especially treasure the pictures I have with my son when he was just born. It’s hard to believe that it’s nearly 10 years ago. Back then I was so worried about getting rid of my pregnancy weight, I thought I was too tired from the sleepless nights. But I look at those photos, taken 10 years ago.. and I look so young on them and (I am not afraid to say this word!) beautiful.

So I think all mums should absolutely take pictures with their children. Take the time to do it! Capture the moment, not just for yourselves, but for your kids too. And when you’ll look at them in 10-20 years time, you’ll most certainly surprise yourself by realizing how beautiful your were back then!

2 thoughts on “Why all mums should absolutely take photos with their kids NOW!”

  1. Pingback: Writer meets… Portrait Photographer - Lindsay McLoughlin

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